Transport tooling
To transport your parts and assemblies on your production sites or to your customers and/or suppliers, we design and build adapted transport tools (trolleys and other means of transport).
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To transport your parts and assemblies on your production sites or to your customers and/or suppliers, we design and build adapted transport tools (trolleys and other means of transport).
Contact us to study your project !
Study and production of the transport trolley for an aeronautical rudder panel.
Study and production of the trolleys for aeronautic drilling grids.
The trolleys are all specific for the drilling grids.
These trolleys are made of aluminum and designed to go into a cleaning machine with grids.
Study and production of 28 transport trolleys to transport Belly fairing elements.
Design and production of transport crates for aeronautic fittings.
The crates are made of wood on a welded structure with interior layout for storage of all elements with identification
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